

      1966年2月生人,男, 工学博士, 教授,山东大学信息科学与工程学院光电技术与应用研究所所长;中国定向能专业委员会委员;中国光学学会会员;中国宇航学会光电专委会委员;山东激光学会理事;IEEE、SPIE 会员,教育部、山东省科技项目评审人,IEEE, Journal of Lightwave Technology、Chinese Optics Letter、光子学报、光学学报、中国激光、中国物理快报、激光与光电子学进展等学术期刊稿件评审人。


  2000/09 - 2003/12,天津大学,精仪学院,博士后
  1996/09 - 2000/05,山东大学,信息科学与工程学院,博士
  1993/09 - 1996/07,山东大学,光电子信息工程系,硕士
  1983/09 -1987/07,山东大学,光学系,学士

  2009/10 -至今,山东大学,信息科学与工程学院,教授
  2008/10 - 2009/10,美国Alfred大学,访问学者
  2003/09 - 2008/10,山东大学,信息科学与工程学院,教授
  1999/09 - 2003/09,山东大学,光电工程系,副教授
  1993/09 - 1999/09,山东大学,光学系,讲师
  1987/07 - 1993/09,山东大学,光学系,助教

1. 国家总装863重大课题;
2. 863-OW_A04,国家总装863-802;
3. 基于磷锗锌光学参量振荡器的高重复率宽可调谐红外激光研究(KF1101),国家重点实验室基金;
4. 845国防预研课题,光电材料与器件光学损伤研究国家级;
5. 光子晶体光纤色散特性及应用研究,山东省青年科学家基金;
6. 双包层平板波导激光器研究Y2004G02,山东省自然科学基金;
7. 半导体量子阱结构饱和吸收体被动锁模微片激光器理论和实验研究,山东大学青年基金;
8. 局域化随机激光器的理论表征及在光子局域化研究方面的应用,国家自然科学基金(60478017);
9. 微型全固化调Q腔内和频黄光激光器 (03BS095),山东省青年科学家基金;
10. LiInS2晶体中红外光参量振荡器研究(KF1010),国家重点实验室基金;
11. 全固态倍频拉曼激光器,山东省攻关计划重点基金(2004GG2203098);
12. 铥、镱共掺碲(氟)化物谐振腔增强泵浦S波段高效、高增益光纤放大器,国家自然科学基金;
13. 半导体多量子阱结构被动调Q特性及其Nd:GdVO4微片激光器特性研究,教育部博士点基金 (20020422048);

1. Ping Li, Xiaohan Chen, Huanian Zhang, Baomin Ma, and Qingpu Wang, Diode-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser At 1123nm with a Cr:YAG Saturable Absorber,Applied Physics Express, 4, 092702, 2011.
2. P. Li, Q. P. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, Compact and Efficient Kerr-lens mode-locked diode-pumped actively Q-switched YVO4-Nd:YVO4 laser, Optics Communications, 283, 5139-5144,2010.
3. H. N. Zhang, X. H. Chen, Q. P. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, J. Chang, L. Gao, H. B. Shen, Z. H. Cong, Z. J. Liu, X. T. Tao, and P. Li*,High efficiency Nd:YAG ceramic eye-safe laser operating at 1442.8 nm, Optics Letters, 16, 3075-3077, 2013.
4. ZHANG Hua-Nian, CHEN Xiao-Han, WANG QingPu, LI Ping*, Continuous-Wave Dual-Wavelength Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1112 and 1116nm, Chinese Physics Letter, 10, 104202-104204, 2013
5. Huanian Zhang, Xiaohan Chen, Qingpu Wang, Xingyu Zhang, Jun Chang, Liang Gao, Hongbin Shen, Zhenhua Cong, Zhaojun Liu, Xutang Tao, and Ping Li*, High Efficiency Continuous-wave Nd: Gd3Ga5O12 Eye-safe Laser Operating at 1423.4 nm, Applied Optics, 52, 8576-8580, 2013
6. Huanian Zhang, Xiaohan Chen, Qingpu Wang, Xingyu Zhang, Jun Chang,  and Ping Li*, Graphene-based passively Q-switched Nd:KLu(WO4)2 eye-safe laser operating at 1,425 nm, Applied Physics B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-013-5733-6, 2013
7. P. Li, Q. P. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, Compact and Efficient Diode-Pumped Actively Q-Switched 1319 nm laser, Laser Physics, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1603-1607, 2010
8. Ping Li, Huanian Zhang,Xiaohan Chen, Diode-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser at 946 nm passively Q-switched,Optics & Laser Technology 44, 578-581,2012.
9. P. Li, X. H. Chen, H. N. Zhang, and Q. P. Wang, Diode-End-Pumped Passively Q-switched 1319 nm Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser with a V3+:YAG Saturable absorber, Laser Physics, Vol. 21, No. 10, 1708-1711,2011.
10. P. Li, Q. P. Wanga, X. Y. Zhanga, J. L. He, J. Lian, and X. H. Chen, Directly LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched YVO4-Nd:YVO4 Laser at 1.34 μm with a V3+:YAG Saturable Absorber, Laser Physics,  Vol. 20, No. 10, 1861-1864.2010.
11. H. N. Zhang, P. Li*, Q. P. Wang, and X. H. Chen, LD-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:GGG Laser at 1062 nm with a GaAs Saturable Absorber, Laser Physics, Vol. 21, No. 11, 1867-1870, 2011.
12. X. H. Chen , P.Li*, X.Y.Zhang, Eye-Safe Raman Laser at 1532 nm with BaWO4 Crystal1 Laser Physics, Vol. 22, No. 1, 60-63, 2012
13. H. N. Zhang, P. Li*, X. H. Chen, and Q. P. Wang, Diode Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Ceramic Laser at 1319 nm with Co2+:LaMgAl11O19 Crystal as the Saturable Absorber, Laser Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 418-422, 2012.
14. Ping Li, Qingpu Wang and Da Gao, Maximum peak power generation from Q-switched lasers. Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.31, (1999)247-250. SCI, EI.
15. Ping Li, Qingpu Wang et al., Analysis of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser passively Q switched with GaAs, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.33(6),2002,383-387. SCI,EI  
16. Ping Li, QingpuWang, Nd:Sr5(PO4)3F Crystal Laser Characteristics Using GaAs as Passive Q-switch. Chinese J. Lasers. 2000, B9(2):107-110,EI
17. Li Ping et al., Multi-Watt Nd:YVO4 laser passively Q-switched by GaAs output coupler, Chinese Optics Lett., 2003 1, EI
18. Ping Li, Baomin Ma. Measurement of two-dimensional vector velocity using spatial filtering technique. SPIE Vol.3558, 394-396. EI
19. Ping Li, Wenyi Cheng et al.. Spatial filtering velocimetry and its microcomputer automatic data handing. SPIE, Vol. 2595, 1995.
20. Li Ping, Wang Qingpu, Pulse lengthening utilizing two-photon induced light absorption of semiconductor material. Semiconductor Photonics and Technology. 1999, 4(4):203-206
21. Li Ping, Ma Baomin. Application of spatial filtering techniques in the measurement of the velocidty. Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, 1998, 4(1): 56~61
22. 李平,王青圃等. "GaAs被动调Q  Nd:YAG激光器激光特性的研究",《光学学报》,2000, 20(6):744-749, EI
23. 李平 等,GaAs 双光子诱导光吸收对调Q激光脉冲的影响.《量子电子学》。2000, 17(2)145-149. 2000, EI.
24. 李平 等,LD泵浦Nd:YVO4 GaAs被动调Q激光器研究,《光学学报》,2002, Vol.22(3)299-302.EI
25. 李平 等, 调Q激光器基于最大峰值功率的优化,《光电子激光》,1999,10(1): 37-35
26. 李平,陈文毅等,"透射光栅在速度测量方面的应用".《光电工程》,Vol.22, page 116, 1998.
27. 高达,李平,"饱和吸收体调Q的反转粒子数分析".《光电子技术》,1998, 18(3):211-214
28. 林小莉,李平,熔堆型光纤耦合器的扭转响应,《光子学报》,2004.5,
29. 林小莉,李平,不同分束比熔堆型光纤宽带耦合器特性研究,《量子电子学报》,2004.2
30. 林小莉,李平熔堆型光纤耦合器的扭转特性研究,核心B、《光电子激光》,2004.5
31. 葛祥友,李平,不同晶格常数光子晶体构成的光量子阱中的共振模 , 应用光学,Vol.27(5), 2006, PP.376-379
32. 葛祥友,李平,王效杰,陈晓寒,刘琳, 新型高双折射及色散平坦光子晶体光纤研究,应用光学,Vol.27(4),2006,PP.332-335

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Email: pingli@sdu.edu.cn
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发布人:guangji       最后修改日期: 2014-03-28
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