
Title:     Next Generation Broadband Optical Access Networks: from Research to Standards
Speaker:  Dr. Luo Yuanqiu
Time:     2:30pm, May 24, 2013, Friday
Venue:    信息学院一楼会议室

About the Talk:
 If you are a triple play user, you may have experienced the high-speed broadband access services with voice, data, and video via passive optical networks (PONs). With an ever growing bandwidth demand for emerging services, the next generation PON Stage 2 (NG-PON2) is expected to provide much higher bandwidth and protect legacy investment. These requirements motivate the research and standards of NG-PON2.
 This talk starts with a brief introduction of broadband access and PONs. Candidate technologies and research efforts of NG-PON2 will be examined with a focus on cost efficiency and available bandwidth. The selection of Time and wavelength division multiplexed PON (TWDM-PON) in Full Service Access Network (FSAN) and International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) will be reviewed by comparing different proposals. Key characteristics of TWDM-PON will be described to highlight smooth migration and improved performance.
 This talk reviews the progress of NG-PON2 standards. It discusses the world’s first TWDM-PON prototype system and its test results. Directions for future research will be presented in the last part of this talk.

About the Speaker:
 Dr. Yuanqiu Luo has been heavily involved in the pioneering R&D effort of optical access networks. Key projects she was leading are the world’s first XG-PON1 prototype and field trial, time synchronization over PON, the world’s first 40G-PON prototype system.
 She is an editor of ITU-T Recommendations G.987.3, G.989.2, G.multi. She is a clause editor of IEEE Standard 802.1AS. In 2011, she was honored with an IEEE Standards Award for her outstanding contribution to IEEE standards.
 Dr. Luo is an associate editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST). She authors more than 40 publications in top journals and conferences. She holds about 10 US patents. She authors the book “The ComSoc Guide to Passive Optical Networks – Enhancing the Last Mile Access” (published by IEEE Wiley in 2012). Dr. Luo is an IEEE senior member.
 Dr. Luo is a senior staff engineer / standards lead in the advanced technology department of Huawei Technologies USA, Bridgewater, NJ, USA. Before joining Huawei, she was with NEC Laboratories America, Princeton, NJ, USA. Dr. Luo received both her Bachelor degree in electronics and information systems and her Master degree in electrical engineering from Shandong University. Her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering was received from New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA.

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2013-05-21 10:09:42.0
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