国立雷恩应用科学学院Maryline Hélard教授来信息学院做学术报告

412下午,法国国立雷恩应用科学学院Maryline Hélard教授在信息学院作了题为“从Turbo码到先进的迭代接收机”的学术报告,信息学院杨明强副教授主持报告,学院部分师生聆听了报告。

报告中,Maryline Hélard教授首先介绍了数字通信系统的发展近况。她指出近20年来,由于传输技术及先进接收技术的发展,数字通信系统的性能有了大幅度提高。特别是由于Turbo码的提出,迭代过程使得信道容量大有提升。接着,Maryline Hélard教授对Turbo码出现前后的信道编码方式,作了详细介绍和对比,指出了Turbo码的优越性 ,并简要介绍了Turobo码的编码原则。随后,她解释了Turbo均衡的概念,并列举了几种迭代机制,讲解了先进的迭代接收机提高系统性能的原理。她指出,利用迭代干扰消除器,干扰系统的性能可以得到大幅度的改善。报告的最后,Maryline Hélard教授提出了先进的迭代接收机的应用实例,包括它在OFDM以及MIMO系统中的应用,证明了先进的迭代接收机的优越性及实用性。

报告结束后,Maryline Hélard教授耐心回答了现场师生的提问,整个学术报告现场气氛热烈融洽,Maryline Hélard教授的精彩演讲得到了老师和同学们的热烈鼓掌,信息学院杨明强副教授为本次报告作了总结。


Biography: Professor Maryline Hélard received the M.Sc and PhD degrees from INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) of Rennes and the Habilitation degree from Rennes 1 University in 1981, 1884 and 2004 respectively. In 1985, she joined France Telecom Research Laboratory as a research engineer and since 1991 she carried out physical layer studies in the field of digital television and wireless communications. In 2007, she joined INSA as a professor and she is now the co-director of the Communication Department at IETR (Electronics and Telecommunications Institute of Rennes). She is co-author of 22 patents and several papers (Journal and conferences). Her current research interests are in the areas of digital communications such as equalization, synchronization, iterative processing, OFDM, MC-CDMA, channel estimation, and MIMO techniques applied to wireless communications and more recently to wire communications (ADSL, optical). She was involved in several French and European collaborative research projects including digital television, MC-CDMA techniques and time reversal.

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2013-04-15 22:26:05.0
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