学术报告:Optimal Local Dimming for LC Image Formation with Controllable Backlighting

报告题目:Optimal Local Dimming for LC Image Formation with Controllable Backlighting





武筱林教授于1988年获得加拿大卡尔加里大学计算机科学专业博士学位,目前任加拿大麦克马斯特大学教授, 加拿大国家科学与工程研究院首席研究教授。
武筱林教授长期研究数字多媒体信号处理领域的前沿科学问题,具备深厚学术造诣,在无损与近无损信号编码、超高保真数字图像处理、数字影院等领域做出了突破性贡献,所带领的团队被国际上公认为图像与视频信号处理领域最有影响力的研究小组之一。由于武筱林教授在图像编码、通信与处理方面的杰出成就,当选IEEE Fellow。武筱林教授任加拿大国家科学与工程基金数字影院重大专项主席(NSERC-DALSA Research Chair in Digital Cinema),主持全加拿大该领域的学术研究及产业化,产、学、研的结合成果卓著。


     Comparing with many other video display technologies, the contrast ratio of conventional liquid crystal display (LCD) is poor due to the unavoidable backlight leakage of liquid crystal (LC) cells. One way to solve this problem is to dynamically control the luminance of a backlight panel consisting of light emitting diodes (LEDs). LED-backlit LC displays hold the promise of improving the image quality while reducing the energy consumption with signal-dependent local dimming. To fully realize such potentials we propose a novel local dimming technique that jointly optimizes the intensities of LED backlights and the attenuations of LC cells (pixels).  The objective is to minimize the distortion in luminance reproduction due to the leakage of LCD and the coarse spatial granularity of the LED backlights.  The optimization task can be formulated as a linear programming or quadratic programming problem, and both exact and faster approximate algorithms are proposed.  Simulation results demonstrate superior performances of the proposed algorithms over the existing local dimming algorithms.

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2012-01-09 16:44:14.0
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