学术预告:Variational Image Segmentation and Registration: models and algorithms

题目:Variational Image Segmentation and Registration: models and algorithms

报告人:Prof. K. Chen

英国利物浦大学数学科学系教授(Professor of Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool)、利物浦大学数字图像技术研究中心主任Director of Center for Mathematical Imaging Techniques, University of Liverpool

时间:  20111125日 (星期五)上午10:00

地点  山东大学信息科学与工程学院四楼报告厅


Both segmentation and registration are important image processing tasks in a number of real life applications. While there exist powerful and effective models, many scientific challenges remain open. In this talk, I shall first present some image segmentation work of models and algorithms in two and three dimensions. Then I show some recent works of selective segmentation where pre-defined geometric constraints guide the segmentation models. Finally I introduce some new work on multimodality image registration modeling. Numerical experiments will demonstrate the advantages of our new models and algorithms over existing results. Collaborators related to this work include Noor Badshah (Peshawar, Pakistan), Jian-ping Zhang and Bo Yu (Dalian, China), Lavdie Rada (Liverpool), C Brito (Mexico) and N Chumchob (Thailand).




Ke Chen 教授简介

Ke Chen obtained his BSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Dalian University of Technology in 1983. After taking up a lectureship in the same University for 2 years, he went on to do a MSc degree in Numerical Analysis and Computing in the University of Manchester during 1985-86. During 1987-1990, he completed his Ph.D degree in Numerical Analysis from The University of Plymouth. In 1990, he took up a post-doctoral position in the University of Reading. Then he has been with the University of Liverpool as a lecturer (1993) and a senior lecturer (2001) followed by a reader (2004) and a personal chair professor (2006) in applied mathematics. Since 2008, he has been the director of CMIT. During 2005-2006, he was awarded a Leverhulme research fellowship. He has published more than 100 academic articles, including 69 SCI articles. In 1995, he acquired the status of a chartered mathematician as a fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. Since 2004, he has been as editorial advisory board member of five international mathematical journals such as Journal of Applied Mathematics. He was awarded one of the 21 interdisciplinary champions of Liverpool University.


发布人:       最后修改日期: 2011-12-05 09:01:20.0
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